Climate emergency?

What if we made better choices to ensure our future generations will be in a cleaner space than what it could be?

"On July 25th WDC will consider the following Climate Emergency Declaration.

Whangarei District Council Declaration of a Climate Change Emergency

Whangarei District Council:

a) declares a climate change emergency.

b) acknowledges that climate change represents one of the greatest threats to our community, our biodiversity, our economy and the life supporting capacity of our planet.

c) advocates that this emergency requires urgent action by all levels of government to prevent the most harmful impacts of ongoing climate change.

d) acknowledges that Whangarei District Council has important role to play and commits to developing and implementing an action plan to support this declaration

e) collaborates with central government, local councils, iwi, hapu, business sector and communities to support collective action for climate change mitigation

f) continue to implement the Corporate Sustainability Strategy and progress the Climate Change Adaptation Strategy."

Its like exercising, day 1, no change. Day 2, no change...
but years later...
noticeable change compared to day 1.


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