Complete Streets Masterplan framework.

Motion Passed on Complete streets master plan
This morning in the Strategy,planning and development committee Councillors debated the possible future of the CBD streets and surrounds and potential options going forward.
The proposed recommendation was put forward:

A) Notes that the Whangarei complete streets master plan and streetscape design manual provides a 30-year vision that will respond to development and change.

B) Supports the Whangarei complete streets master plan and design manual as a flexible framework for the revitalization of public streets and places in the Central City.

C) Supports consideration of projects providing for cycling and walking connections, and potential improvements to John and James Street through the 2021- 2031 long-term plan process.
 D) notes the public consultation will be undertaken on projects and funding prioritised for inclusion in the 2021 - 2031 long-term plan.

Not all councillors supported the motion however it was passed.

The Whangarei completes streets master plan and design manual is a flexible framework which will provide the central city with a blueprint to work around.

I personally have written a long list of concerns and ideas regarding some of additions within the plan however I feel this will work well as a high-level document to provide options and guide the area on a wider scale rather than random projects appearing around the CBD randomly.

The plan comes after working through the long processes and plans working up until now.

You can find a copy of the draft document in the Strategy, Planning and Development Committee 20 August 2020, 9am


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